Other item detail

item_4077 Doom Shield Fragment
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 60
Crystal count 0
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Doom Shield. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Ice Fairy Sirra 60 8,52% 4x 40 - 120
Giant Marpanak 60 22,44% 4x 40 - 120
Spiteful Soul Wizard 63 7,63% 1x 1
Anger of Splendor 63 5,69% 1x 1
Lesser Giant Shooter 63 10,51% 1x 1
Anger of Splendor 63 7,01% 1x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Magus 63 17,80% 1x 1
Plando 64 14,44% 1x 1
Purgatory Tarantula 64 11,10% 1x 1
Corrupted Guard 64 5,68% 1x 1
Corrupted Guard 64 5,79% 1x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 65 9,70% 1x 1
Nihil Invader 66 4,43% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 66 5,64% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 66 4,74% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Alliance of Splendor 65 100% 1x 1
Alliance of Splendor 65 100% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 100% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 100% 1x 1
Hallate's Maid 66 100% 1x 1
Hallate's Warrior 64 100% 1x 1
Judge of Light 66 100% 1x 1
Karik 70 100% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 100% 1x 1
Sepulcher Sage 67 100% 1x 1
Shaman of Ancient Times 75 100% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 86,96% 1x 1
Frost Yeti 63 85,50% 1x 1
Bloody Priest 66 83,07% 1x 1
Heathen Warrior 65 22,16% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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