Other item detail

item_1866 Suede
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 2
Crystal count 0
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Colossus 13 27,63% 1x 1
Stone Giant 13 21,17% 1x 1
Stone Golem 13 25,40% 1x 1
Grave Keeper 13 21,17% 1x 1
Goblin Brigand Leader 14 8,95% 2x 1
Dryad Elder 14 23,41% 1x 1
Evil Eye Patroller 14 5,02% 2x 1
Vuku Orc 14 23,41% 1x 1
Crasher 14 6,58% 2x 1
Whinstone Golem 14 19,74% 1x 1
Mist Terror 15 20,68% 1x 1
Felim Lizardman Scout 15 24,33% 1x 1
Lesser Dark Horror 15 24,81% 1x 1
Cave Spider 15 20,27% 1x 1
Crypt Horror 15 20,68% 1x 1
Obsidian Golem 15 13,67% 2x 1
Silent Horror 16 15,91% 1x 1
Dark Terror 16 14,00% 1x 1
Stone Guardian 16 28,05% 1x 1
Scarlet Salamander 17 5,92% 2x 1
Ore Bat 17 8,00% 1x 1
Undine 17 20,43% 2x 1
Corpse Candle 17 5,52% 2x 1
Salamander 17 9,05% 2x 1
Shady Muertos Archer 18 10,05% 2x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Cloudy Beast 22 98,50% 1x 2
Skeleton Hunter Archer 13 98,48% 1x 1
Ancient Experiment 45 94,13% 1x 8 - 1,27k
Ant Soldier 35 94,08% 1x 8
Ruin Imp Elder 21 92,95% 1x 2
Monster Eye Searcher 22 89,81% 1x 4
Mineshaft Bat 11 89,59% 1x 1
Akaste Succubus Tilfo 22 82,08% 1x 2
Arachnid Predator 20 80,85% 1x 2
King of the Araneid 27 80,35% 1x 2
Green Fungus 9 79,38% 1x 1
Evil Eye Watcher 10 79,28% 1x 1
Dark Succubus 20 79,26% 1x 2
Monster Eye 10 78,50% 1x 1
Zombie Soldier 19 78,30% 1x 2
Akaste Succubus Turen 21 77,46% 1x 2
Dre Vanul Scout 21 77,46% 1x 2
Lesser Succubus Turen 21 77,46% 1x 2
Purgatory Invader Priest 50 75,23% 1x 8 - 24
Barrow Overlord 40 74,46% 1x 8 - 24
Roxide Cohort 29 73,50% 1x 8
Vault Guardian 25 73,33% 1x 8
Dimension Invader Discipline 43 72,09% 1x 8 - 24
Stone Guardian 16 71,22% 1x 2
Ant 30 70,80% 1x 4


Item Grade Chance Amount
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