NPC detail


Tortured Native

Type Warrior
Level 86
Race Human
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 4,44k HP
Base HP regen 8,50
Base MP 1,88k MP
Base MP regen 3
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map


This NPC has no spawn defined.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_57Adena 66% 1x 7,90k - 15,81k
item_9599Ancient Tome of the Demon 8,6400% 1x 5
item_4042Enria 0,4609% 4x 1
item_1895Metallic Fiber 7,9010% 4x 1
item_1876Mithril Ore 5,5307% 4x 1
item_959Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) 0,0011% 4x 1
item_1873Silver Nugget 11,0614% 4x 1
item_289Soul Bow 0,0032% 1x 1
item_5534Soul Bow Stave 0,9112% 1x 1
item_1868Thread 55,3072% 4x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1895Metallic Fiber 96,2346% 1x 4
item_4042Enria 22,4544% 1x 1
item_960Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 0,5392% 1x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.