Other item detail

item_1539 Greater Healing Potion
Type Potion
Slot None
Weight 5
Crystal count 0
A magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Treasure Chest 51 98,81% 1x 5
Treasure Chest 48 87,19% 1x 5
Treasure Chest 45 76,62% 1x 5
Treasure Chest 42 66,68% 1x 5
Treasures of the Festival 63 37,46% 4x 1
Treasures of the Festival 63 37,46% 4x 1
Treasures of the Festival 52 25,75% 4x 1
Treasures of the Festival 52 25,75% 4x 1
Treasures of the Festival 72 25,05% 4x 2
Treasures of the Festival 72 25,05% 4x 2
Sirra's Beholder 59 22,77% 1x 1
Horrifying Cannon Golem III 51 10,50% 2x 1
Purgatory Invader Priest 50 7,54% 2x 1
Cruel Vice Golem 49 6,99% 2x 1
Perum 48 6,27% 4x 1
Garden Guard 48 6,04% 4x 1
Torfe 49 5,57% 4x 1
Ol Mahum Transcender 50 5,52% 2x 1
Vanor Silenos Warrior 48 5,49% 2x 1
Ol Mahum Transcender 58 5,15% 4x 1
Ol Mahum Transcender 55 4,66% 4x 1
Forest of Mirrors Ghost 47 4,53% 2x 1
Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 3,87% 4x 1
Deprive 50 3,86% 2x 1
Elder Tarlk Basilisk 51 3,55% 2x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Cruma Phantom 50 100% 1x 1 - 55
Crypt Archon 50 100% 1x 1
Death Knight 50 100% 1x 1 - 3
Elder Tarlk Basilisk 51 100% 1x 1
Ginzu Golem Prodigy X 52 100% 1x 1 - 3
Harit Lizardman 50 100% 1x 1
Horrifying Cannon Golem 52 100% 1x 1 - 3
Hunter Gargoyle 52 100% 1x 1
Kaim Vanul 51 100% 1x 1
Kaim Vanul 51 100% 1x 1
Kaim Vanul 51 100% 1x 1
Kaim Vanul Lad 51 100% 1x 1 - 3
Liele Elder 52 100% 1x 1
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 50 100% 1x 1 - 3
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 50 100% 1x 1
Purgatory Invader Martyrs 50 100% 1x 1
Sanhidro 52 100% 1x 1
Soldier of Grief 51 100% 1x 1
Spelunking Ant 50 100% 1x 1
Tairim 50 100% 1x 1
Zaken's Guard 50 100% 1x 1
Zaken's Guard 50 100% 1x 1
Zaken's Royal Guard 50 100% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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