Grade | S84 |
Type | None |
Slot | Necklace |
Weight | 150 |
Crystal count | 729 |
Magical defense | 132 |
vault.item.manaBonus | 50 |
Resistance to Water +15, Resistance to Bleed+25%, Resistance to Paralysis/Shock/Sleep +20%, magic skill reuse delay -5%.
Reflect 4% short-range attack damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to mental attack +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, magic MP consumption -5%.
Reflect 4% short-range attack damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to mental attack +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, magic MP consumption -5%.