Grace Live Launch
Grace 2014 (GF 10x)
Dear Players, After two months of hard work the server launch is within reach. Tomorrow 13th of September 2014 at 15:00 GMT+2 the login server of new Gracia Final server Grace will be opened. I would like to thank all testers that helped us very much during the Beta Test and thanks to them inconsistencies we had were revealed and fixed. I admit we did not expect such activity during the tests and we are glad for it. Thank you.
Before the launch, there are a few important points we would like to share.
- Please study the server rules before server start.
- GM team will consist of the following members: =GM=Nesh, =GM=Sroubek, =GM=Teclis, =GM=Wiki all of them you know from previous projects.
- Before the start of server at 15:00 please start the game through L2updater, so that you have the latest version of system. All previous versions of system will cease to work!
- The Beta test will finish today 12th of September 2014 in the afternoon or late evening hours. We will make full wipe of the game world. All gaming accounts, that you created during beta test will remain active and connected to your profile, only the characters on those accounts will be deleted.
- The 7 signs period will start normally on Monday 15th of September. The first sieges will follow the 7s period and will take place on Sunday 28th of September 2014 at 16:00 and 20:00 GMT+2. After successful sieges there will be territory war, but only for players in clans owning a castle.
- Olympiad will be active from start of server, so there can be new heroes 1st of October 2014.
- Auctions will be turned off during the first week.
We are looking forward to seeing you on our new server.
Grace GM team.