Weapon detail

item_9442 Dynasty Sword
Grade S
Type Sword
Slot Right hand
Weight 1520
Crystal count 3597
Magic weapon no
SS consumption 1 SS/attack
SpS consumption 1 SpS/attack
Physical attack 333
Magical attack 151
Attack speed 379
Attack range 40
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health, or Light.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Aenkinel 82 0,76% 2x 1
Treasure Chest 78 0,21% 1x 1
Gorgolos 82 0,09% 4x 1
Aenkinel 81 0,05% 4x 1
Aenkinel 81 0,05% 4x 1
Aenkinel 81 0,05% 4x 1
Aenkinel 81 0,05% 4x 1
Jax the Destroyer 82 0,04% 1x 1
Cohemenes 81 0,04% 2x 1
Lesser Giant Shooter 82 <0.01% 1x 1
Nihil Invader Destroyer 82 <0.01% 1x 1
Spiked Stakato Nurse 83 <0.01% 1x 1
Spiked Stakato 82 <0.01% 1x 1
Spiked Stakato Nurse 83 <0.01% 1x 1
Invader Guide of Nightmare 81 <0.01% 1x 1
Imagro 80 <0.01% 1x 1
Drakos 80 <0.01% 1x 1
Ragna Orc Archer 81 <0.01% 1x 1
Servitor of Darkness 82 <0.01% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
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