Other item detail

item_9674 Darion's Badge
Grade NG
Type None
Slot None
Weight 20
Crystal count 0
The spiritual force of Beleth's followers that is carried as a token. Whoever possesses this permit can travel freely throughout Hellbound whether he is a follower of Beleth, a native, or anyone else.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Arcane Guardian 81 36,49% 4x 1 - 3
Blind Huntsman 81 27,35% 4x 1
Blind Watchman 81 21,80% 4x 1
Junior Watchman 81 19,78% 4x 4 - 12
Junior Summoner 81 19,69% 4x 3 - 9
Darion's Enforcer 81 11,73% 4x 1
Arcane Watchman 81 9,99% 4x 14 - 42
Darion's Executioner 81 9,44% 4x 1
Arcane Scout 81 5,42% 4x 25 - 75


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
No items were found.


Item Grade Chance Amount
No items were found.
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