Other item detail

item_4078 Blue Wolf Breastplate Part
Grade NG
Type Material
Slot None
Weight 60
Crystal count 0
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Blue Wolf Breastplate. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Taik High Prefect Arak 60 42,20% 2x 9 - 27
Timak Seer Ragoth 57 38,86% 2x 9 - 27
Carnamakos 50 33,40% 4x 9 - 27
Alpine Buffalo 67 6,55% 1x 1
Maluk Berserker 67 5,92% 1x 1
Alpine Kookaburra 65 5,85% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 3,74% 1x 1
Mul's Wizard 67 3,43% 1x 1
Crypt Sage 62 3,27% 1x 1
Bone Collector 67 2,31% 1x 1
Spiteful Soul Fighter 62 2,10% 1x 1
Bone Snatcher 66 2,09% 1x 1
Bone Snatcher 66 2,09% 1x 1
Sacrificed Man 67 1,92% 1x 1
Doom Trooper 63 1,88% 1x 1
Judge of Fire 66 1,87% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 1,65% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 1,56% 1x 1
Glow Wisp 67 1,56% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 1,39% 1x 1
Kadios 62 1,34% 1x 1
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 65 0,26% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Action
Alpine Buffalo 67 100% 1x 1
Forgotten Ancient People 77 100% 1x 1
Hallate's Commander 67 100% 1x 1
Karik 70 100% 1x 1
Archer of Abyss 65 70,75% 1x 1
Alpine Buffalo 67 64,47% 1x 1
Spiteful Soul Wizard 63 50,35% 1x 1
Judge of Light 66 43,34% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 33,60% 1x 1
Raider of Pastureland 63 28,24% 1x 1
Heathen Warrior 65 7,19% 1x 1


Item Grade Chance Amount
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