
The best of the best

Character Clan #
Noobspot Mistborn 1
Nike FuckDreamS 2
elpe 3
ChrysFort Nekropolis 4
MrHeKy Bratrstvo 5
Silverlin STARWARS 6
Barlock Bratrstvo 7
Tony NightCLub 8
Rich 9
Caly Mistborn 10
Updated at 2:01 and 14:01

The most famous noblesse raiders

Character Clan # of raids
MrHeKy Bratrstvo 2 841
Silverlin STARWARS 2 702
Luferte Bratrstvo 2 405
cica Bratrstvo 2 245
MrKeCy Bratrstvo 2 204
LosPPckos Bratrstvo 2 151
LosDance Bratrstvo 1 804
Azrl Bratrstvo 1 673
Kvietky Bratrstvo 1 663
Sophie Bratrstvo 1 481
Updated at 0:03, 6:03, 12:03 and 18:03

The best fighters

Character Clan PVP
Heyli AFKarena 1 129
Azrl Bratrstvo 1 104
InActive Subject 1 078
su12 Subject 1 038
kush Pokeballz 1 024
Barlock Bratrstvo 1 016
darkLord Charmed 955
Keahi Pokeballz 949
Akamee Dementes 942
KolyaDVD 1337 895
Updated at 0:02, 6:02, 12:02 and 18:02

The worst murderers

Character Clan PK
MistericK PowerRangers 65
Jebem 41
n0m4d DeathonCall 37
STAKAN 1337 37
Storm Petkovia 37
BadDream F 29
Trevorochmonek 26
randomak 25
Baku Citadela 24
Updated at 0:01, 6:01, 12:01 and 18:01

The wealthy elite

Character Clan Adena
Pivovar SweetDreams 17 791 296 042
Noobspot Mistborn 15 712 816 758
Vlnka Kobraa 10 493 199 032
Gooddess Insistent 10 089 492 469
Panda Conglomeritos 5 771 357 566
ftr F 4 460 737 016
Rehor 4 378 445 834
Gabriella ReversePolarity 3 906 134 995
Machelo Circus 3 717 262 532
crft 1337 3 138 023 416
Updated at 0:04, 6:04, 12:04 and 18:04