NPC detail



Type Warrior
Level 82
Race Undead
Sex Male
HP increase 1x
Base HP 65,80k HP
Base HP regen 112,41
Base MP 1,74k MP
Base MP regen 3
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 30 fire 120 water
60 wind 60 earth
60 holy 60 dark

World map


This NPC has no spawn defined.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_57Adena 66% 1x 237,75k - 486,98k
item_1875Stone of Purity 41,6513% 4x 1
item_1879Cokes 17,3547% 4x 3 - 9
item_4040Mold Lubricant 12,4954% 4x 1
item_1865Varnish 11,1567% 4x 28 - 84
item_5546Sword of Miracles Edge 8,7826% 1x 1
item_5529Dragon Slayer Edge 7,9958% 1x 1
item_5545Dark Legion's Edge Blade 7,9957% 1x 1
item_1870Coal 5,2064% 4x 60 - 180
item_9546Fire Stone 4,9982% 4x 1
item_960Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 0,2499% 4x 1
item_2500Dark Legion's Edge 0,0281% 1x 1
item_81Dragon Slayer 0,0281% 1x 1
item_151Sword of Miracles 0,0281% 1x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_1875Stone of Purity 73,9835% 1x 8 - 56
item_5537Soul Separator Head 97,4272% 1x 1
item_4040Mold Lubricant 88,7802% 1x 8


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.