NPC detail


Ginzu Golem Prodigy X

Type Warrior
Level 52
Race Construct
Sex Male
HP increase 4x
Base HP 1,52k HP
Base HP regen 6,50
Base MP 804 MP
Base MP regen 2,40
Base attr attack 0 none
Base attr defense 20 fire 20 water
20 wind 20 earth
20 holy 20 dark

World map


This NPC has no spawn defined.


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_57Adena 70% 1x 19,52k - 39,44k
item_1866Suede 37,6269% 4x 1
item_1873Silver Nugget 22,5761% 4x 1
item_1864Stem 18,8135% 4x 3 - 9
item_1865Varnish 14,1101% 4x 2 - 6
item_8725Life Stone - Level 52 1,5678% 4x 1
item_2089Caliburs Edge 0,7910% 1x 1
item_2090Delusional Blade 0,7910% 1x 1
item_2092Homunkulus's Sword Blade 0,7910% 1x 1
item_2095Sword of Nightmare Blade 0,7910% 1x 1
item_2096Sword of Whispering Death Blade 0,7910% 1x 1
item_2091Tsurugi Blade 0,7910% 1x 1
item_8329Pa'agrian Sword Blade 0,7556% 1x 1
item_8735Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 52 0,3919% 4x 1
item_2353Recipe: Samurai Longsword 0,0921% 4x 1
item_8745High-Grade Life Stone - Level 52 0,0392% 4x 1
item_75Caliburs 0,0088% 1x 1
item_84Homunkulus's Sword 0,0088% 1x 1
item_7882Pa'agrian Sword 0,0088% 1x 1
item_76Sword of Delusion 0,0088% 1x 1
item_134Sword of Nightmare 0,0088% 1x 1
item_145Sword of Whispering Death 0,0088% 1x 1
item_77Tsurugi 0,0088% 1x 1
item_8755Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 52 0,0077% 4x 1


Item Chance Mpl Amount
item_4603Greater Dye of CON 10,9184% 1x 1
item_1864Stem 94,4873% 1x 8 - 200
item_1539Greater Healing Potion 100% 1x 1 - 3


Item Chance Mpl Amount
No items were found.