Weapon detail

item_78 Great Sword
Grade B
Type Sword
Slot Two-handed
Weight 1930
Crystal count 891
Magic weapon no
SS consumption 1 SS/attack
SpS consumption 1 SpS/attack
Physical attack 213
Magical attack 91
Attack speed 325
Attack range 40
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Damage or Focus.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Bandit Leader Barda 55 2,02% 2x 1
Enchanted Forest Watcher Ruell 55 2,02% 2x 1
Ghost Knight Kabed 55 2,02% 2x 1
Captain of Red Flag Shaka 52 1,70% 4x 1
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun 50 1,46% 4x 1
Zaken 60 1% 1x 1
Gigantic Chaos Golem 52 0,92% 4x 1
Summer Yaganitan 56 0,40% 4x 1
Summer Yaganitan 56 0,27% 4x 1
Freya's Buffalo 57 0,01% 1x 1
Beast Lord 60 <0.01% 1x 1
Ghastly Warrior 61 <0.01% 1x 1
Cave Beast 61 <0.01% 1x 1
Bloody Lady 60 <0.01% 1x 1
Sepulcher Inquisitor 57 <0.01% 1x 1
Claws of Splendor 60 <0.01% 1x 1
Gamlin 60 <0.01% 1x 1
Hamrut 58 <0.01% 1x 1
Claws of Splendor 60 <0.01% 1x 1
Fallen Orc Shaman 58 <0.01% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
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