Weapon detail

item_11975 Common Item - Soul Bow
Grade A
Type Bow
Slot Two-handed
Weight 553
Crystal count 90
Magic weapon no
SS consumption 2 SS/attack
SpS consumption 1 SpS/attack
Physical attack 528
Magical attack 125
Attack speed 227
Attack range 500
Soul Bow with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and augmenting are impossible.


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
Executor of Offerings 78 0,54% 1x 1
Guide of Offering 78 0,54% 1x 1
Imperial Commander 78 0,44% 1x 1
Abraxion 78 0,39% 1x 1
Dancer of Empire 78 0,33% 1x 1
Dancer of Empire 78 0,31% 1x 1
Imperial Commander 78 0,28% 1x 1
Abraxion 78 0,27% 1x 1
Katraxis 78 0,26% 1x 1
Ketra Commander 78 0,25% 1x 1
Katraxis 78 0,22% 1x 1
Varka Silenos Priest 78 0,20% 1x 1
Grazing Elder Antelope 78 0,14% 1x 1
Grazing Nepenthes 78 0,12% 1x 1
Castalia 82 0,09% 1x 1
Seychelles 81 0,09% 1x 1


NPC Level Chance Mpl Amount Akce
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